Great teams think about security, early

Create super secure digital products with AI-powered security assessments that evaluate early, whilst you're still deciding what to build

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Started Dec 12 2023

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2 hours ago

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Evaluation report

The evaluation has been completed using the OWASP Top 10 Assessment, we identified 2 insights with a High risk level.


A01:2021 - Broken Access Control


A04:2021 - Insecure Design


A06:2021 - Vulnerable and Outdated Components

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Great, we're now generating a report.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

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Beep, boop. Thinking...

2 hours ago

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Which assessment would you like us to evaluate your project against?

OWASP Top 10

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Automated security, at the start

Perceptive continuously watches sources like Jira, Linear and GitHub (with more on the way) - right where you're already defining what to build.

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Security insights, when you need them

Like having a dedicated security professional for your team - insights and potential issues are shown immediately, ready for you to action.

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Expert assessments, with cutting edge AI

Sources are evaluated against advanced security assessments in real time, using the power of the best available AI from Anthropic.

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Addressing security issues early leads to better products for your customers


Early insights save time and money

Perceptive provides security insights early, before code is written, saving time and money from rewrites and fixes.

Perceptive benefit - reduced cost


Risk is reduced

Security culture in your team will grow and the risk of issues popping up later will be greatly reduced.

Perceptive benefit - reduced risk


Security knowledge will grow

No existing knowledge is required in your team - but it helps it grow as they learn by absorbing and applying insights.

Perceptive benefit - knowledge growth

And more, launching out of beta soon

Thinking about security early has never been more important and valuable to you and your customers. Join the waitlist and get notified as soon as we launch.

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Get started, soon.

We'll let you know when we launch.

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Built in the UK. Securing products worldwide.

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